May Close Community Allotment

Posted on 03 November 2020

We’ve been focusing a lot of effort trying to get the polytunnel installed before the worst of the weather arrived, as well as the pond (which still needs more work).

It’s great to now have somewhere warm and dry to work on inclement days. We were most fortunate to be given a lot of manure as well as some garden furniture (which our volunteers have been renovating), two compost bins, a water butt and some pallets – all of which have been put to very good use.  Big thanks to everyone for their generosity in terms of materials and of course our regular volunteers for their time, energy and enthusiasm – none of it would happen without your support.

The water catchment system off the polytunnel definitely works – the 1000 litre water container ended up full after only one week! Looking forward to seeing how everything grows in the tunnel over the winter now and what creatures we end up in the pond.
