Fairtrade Fortnight

Posted on 29 January 2021

Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 22nd Feb to 7th March.

The Fairtrade Foundation need your help to put farmers’  voices at the heart of tackling the climate crisis and share the reality of their struggles. Our global trading system is balanced in favour of the powerful few. Trapped in this system, farmers already struggle to meet their immediate needs. More than ever, they need a fair price for their crops and their hard work.

Fairtrade works to raise the voices of farmers and workers and prioritise what they need to respond to the environmental crises unfolding in already vulnerable communities. This Fortnight, we are asking you to ‘Choose the World You Want’ and use your voice to tell others about the challenges that farmers face from climate change.

We will be hosting an online festival bringing together schools, universities, businesses, supporters, campaigners and farmers from across the world to choose the world they want.

See more here:  https://www.fairtrade.org.uk/get-involved/current-campaigns/fairtrade-fortnight/