Support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill

Posted on 21 February 2021

Please do join us in supporting the Climate & Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill.

What is the CEE Bill?
It’s a private members bill written by a team of 23 scientists, lawyers and activists, including Prof Dave Goulson (University of Sussex). Tabled by Green MP Caroline Lucas with co-sponsors from most other parties, 92 MPs and 31 organisations and 8000 individuals support it so far.

Why do we need it?
The Climate Change Act of 2008 isn’t ambitious enough to keep global temperature increase below the critical 1.5 C. The new Bill calls for:

  • the UK to make and enact a serious plan. This means dealing with our real fair share of emissions so that we don’t go over critical global rises in temperature
  • our entire carbon footprint be taken into account (in the UK and overseas)
  • the protection and conservation of nature here and overseas along supply chains, recognising the damage we cause through the goods we consume
  • those in power not to depend on technology to save the day, which is used as an excuse to carry on polluting as usual
  • ordinary people to have a real say on the way forward in a citizens’ assembly with bite

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