Transition Greenspaces – February Update

Posted on 22 February 2021

Not much happening over the past month at the Triangle, apart from a bit of tree pruning and sorting out the pond.

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Our wonderful volunteers have (in socially distanced pairs or alone) been repairing beds and plant cages and have added some plants to the pond. They’ve also added more woodchip to the pathways, kept things weeded and watered, and done some work on the forest garden beds. The plants in the polytunnel are coming along nicely now, as the bitterly cold weather has subsided, and our first salad crops of the year are almost ready to harvest.

We hope, once we are out of lockdown, that we can start having small, socially distanced groups there again. In the meantime if anyone fancies raising some veg plants from seed at home, we’d be glad of them once it warms up a bit.

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