Fairtrade Fortnight Festival

Posted on 19 March 2021

If you missed any of the festivities, dozens of Choose the world you want festival events are still available to watch via the Fairtrade Foundation website here: https://www.fairtrade.org.uk/choose-the-world-you-want/

Although the Choose the world you want festival may now be over, efforts to Choose the world we want certainly are not, so please keep standing with farmers facing a climate crisis.

Major international climate conferences are coming to the UK this year, and you can help convince world leaders to listen to the people already facing the worst of the climate crisis – the farmers and workers whom we may have met throughout Fairtrade Fortnight. Ideas from Fairtrade on how to do this are coming soon but in the meantime, do check out the Fairtrade and Climate Justice campaign page for more ways you can get involved: https://www.fairtrade.org.uk/get-involved/current-campaigns/fairtrade-and-climate-justice/