Transition Greenspaces – May Update

Posted on 21 May 2021

We have a family of foxes at May Close and the cubs, whilst very cute, have completely trashed our wild flower bed, but other than that everything’s growing like fury!

We’ve had an infestation of greenfly and also slugs so we lost some of our precious vegetables, but thankfully some have survived despite various forms of attack. With all the rain came a profusion of spinach and chard on both community allotments. After our volunteers took what they could use we donated the rest to the food bank scheme at Maybridge Community Church, just down the road from our larger allotment. We’ve linked up with the local network for surplus food distribution so that any time we have a glut of anything we can ensure that this food goes where it is most needed. We are looking forward to a time when this is formalised in a new local food partnership. Discussions about this have been ongoing for some time so we hope it will happen in the near future. We will keep you posted….

If anyone would like to come and help at May Close or The Triangle, do let us know. We have a small team who help water and weed, as needed, but more volunteers would be welcomed to help spread the load. It’s sociable, good fun and you usually end up with some free food!

Do read Kayley’s wonderfully inspiring and heartfelt blog about the benefits of volunteering:

For any queries re greenspaces projects, please email [email protected]