Site Tour of Sompting Brooks with EPIC

Posted on 26 July 2021

Join us for a guided tour with Alistair from EPIC around the newly completed restoration of Sompting Brooks on Saturday 11th September 10am – 11.45am.

EPIC stands for “Enhancing Places, Inspiring Communities”.  This amazing urban chalk stream restoration project, funded by the National Lottery, has been working with the help of a team of dedicated community volunteers to realign the course of the Broadwater Brook to enhance its ecological potential. From September the site will become accessible to the public for the first time, enabling people to connect with this natural heritage along a river trail with seating areas and a wildlife viewing hide. Come along and get a guided tour of this beautiful and important new watercourse!

Plastic Free Worthing, another great local community group, undertake monthly beach and greenspaces clean-ups that anyone can take part in and have kindly agreed to come along and share their work as part of this tour. Jean Raleigh from PFW will talk about plastic waste and the damage it causes to the environment and what they are trying to do to help. Alistair from EPIC will also talk about plastic pollution issues and how they affect the site and, of course, how the restoration project has evolved over the last two years.

This tour was supposed to be taking place in April of last year for our big Eco Open Houses event, which had to be postponed due to the first lockdown, so we are especially thrilled to be able to finally present this event, with some changes.

To book your FREE ticket, please do to our eventbrite listing: