“What can I do?” Localisation Action Guide

Posted on 14 October 2021

 “What can I do?” In the face of mounting social and ecological crises, this is the big question that plagues anyone concerned with the wellbeing of people and planet.

For the localizers among us, the question is arguably even bigger: How can we – as individuals and small communities – go up against the global techno-economic juggernaut?

Local Futures are delighted to present an answer. 146 answers, to be exact. Introducing the Localization Action Guide

The Localization Action Guide details 146 ways for individuals, communities and policymakers to make a real, hands-on difference in their local areas. It points to key resources, networks and examples to inform and inspire actions with a systemic impact, including the Transition Network!

Check it out here: https://actionguide.localfutures.org/