New Eco Open Houses Videos!

Posted on 21 November 2021

We are gradually re-creating aspects of our Eco Open Houses event that had to be cancelled in April of last year and we now have two new videos on our Eco Open Houses playlist!

Dan Goodchild, Carbon Reduction Manager at Adur & Worthing Councils has recorded an update for us on the Councils Carbon Neutral 2030 plan and what they are currently working on. This includes the flagship project: Worthing Heat Network which uses heat from Worthing’s main sewer network! You can watch the recording via our YouTube channel and EOH playlist here

Duncan Anderson, Chief Exec from South Downs Leisure also kindly shared his recent video; Going green in the leisure industry with us. He talks through what they have been doing to reduce their environmental impact. You can watch the recording via our YouTube channel and EOH playlist here

Many Thanks to Dan and Duncan!