Retrofit Talk & Q&A with Local Architect & Panel

Posted on 13 December 2021

Join us on Tuesday 25th January 2022 for an inspirational, practical and encouraging retrofit talk and Q&A session with local architect, Sarah Kemp, as part of our postponed Eco Open Houses event.

This event held in The QEII Room, Shoreham Centre, between 6pm-8pm, will be looking at a whole-house, phased approach to reducing your home’s carbon emissions. Based in Shoreham-by-Sea, Sarah Kemp set up Eskay Architects in 2004 and works with homeowners and developers on extensions, renovations and conversions, specialising in creating comfortable and energy efficient homes (which can also save money on fuel bills).

The panel includes 3 Eco Open Houses householders (who have retrofitted their homes, one of whom is also a business owner), a local builder, an energy adviser who also has experience in draughtproofing, a solar expert and hopefully a Passivhaus architect (latter to be confirmed).

To register for your free place, please go to Eventbrite here