Welcome to the Breathing Spaces project!

Posted on 26 February 2022

From the beginning of March we welcome Breathing Spaces to our Greenspaces Groups so we now have May Close Community Allotment and the Triangle, and also Cortis Avenue Wildlife Garden sits under our umbrella in the same way as Breathing Spaces’ lovely gardens and flower farm will.

Breathing Spaces will be looking after the garden at Maybridge Keystone Centre and growing flowers for their subscribers from Thursday March 3rd 10.30-12.30 Maybridge Keystone Centre, Raleigh Way BN12 6JD – and every Thursday til November.

They will also be doing monthly work sessions at Dankton Lane Barnyard, Sompting, on the first Sunday of every month from March 6th, 11am-1pm. Bring your wellies because they are going to start re-puddling the pond! Great exercise treading clay in a lovely spot on the downs – you could bring a packed lunch and go for a walk afterwards. And maybe the bees will be venturing out from the log hive…

With the growing season almost being upon us now, if you would like to come and help at any of our Community Greenspaces gardens, do let us know at [email protected] or contact Claire & Lisa at Breathing Spaces directly at [email protected]