Breathing Spaces & the Big Butterfly Count

Posted on 29 July 2022

Please note we have changed the date of the next volunteer morning at Dankton Lane Barnyard (usually 1st Sunday of the month 11am-1pm). There will not be a session on 7th August.

We will be there instead on Sunday 31st July at the earlier time of 10am – 12 noon (so we get the work done before the hottest part of the day). It’s a lovely site that should be standing tall in wildflowers this month, with areas of shade from the trees, a newly improved pond (if it’s still holding water) and a busy wild bee hive. We’ll be clearing out some of the brambles and hogweed that otherwise threaten to take over. But it’s also the Big Butterfly Count, a citizen science project to monitor the health of the UK’s butterflies. So we’re going to spend some time recording what we see and someone could add the data to the Butterfly Conservation’s interactive map. Let Claire and Lisa know if you would like to join in. You will need to bring your own drink/refreshments, gardening gloves, and dress appropriately for the conditions (lots of stingers and scratchers around) and, of course, the weather.

[email protected]