Don’t Forget To Breathe

Posted on 02 October 2022

If you need an opportunity and a place to breathe (who doesn’t!), getting involved with nature is one of the best ways to do it, and it can be even better in the company of friendly people. There are two ways to volunteer with TTW project Breathing Spaces:

Help us look after the small community flower farm and woodland garden at the Maybridge Keystone Centre, Raleigh Way, Worthing. There’s still plenty of autumn jobs to do and we will be gardening right up til the beginning of December. You will learn what’s seasonal, how to grow in a nature-led and sustainable way, and you can help us prepare bunches of gorgeous blooms for our wonderful subscribers. The flowers are still abundant and volunteers usually get a few to take home. We are there on Thursday mornings, 10.30am-12.30pm, but if Thursdays are not a good a day for you, it is possible that you could help us on other days. For example, Shared Lives garden on Tuesdays when we are not there, and some of our volunteers go to water or do jobs on other days. Let us know what works for you.

For some wilder ‘gardening’, join us at Dankton Lane Barnyard, Sompting, usually on the first Sunday of every month, 11am-1pm, between March and December. It’s a site for wildlife and wildflowers where (with kind permission of Sompting Estate) we are improving the pond and keeping the most dominant vegetation at bay so that there is more biodiversity (we’re a bit like grazing animals in a re-wilding project!). So, for example, we pull out some of the brambles, hogweed and thistles whilst leaving plenty for the wild creatures, including the bees in the log hive installed there as part of the Bees And Seas project. It’s a peaceful, hidden gem on the Downs, and you can walk or cycle there from Worthing or Lancing (no parking on site). Again, there is a possibility to volunteer there on other days if you have got to know the site and the work.

Keep breathing deep through the autumn and winter. Contact Claire or Lisa:
[email protected]