Transition Greenspaces – December Update

Posted on 04 December 2020

Our wonderful greenspaces crew have been beavering away in socially distanced pairs at May Close and The Triangle over the past four weeks.

The polytunnel is pretty much there now with newly planted broad beans and garlic growing nicely. The water catchment systems are working well, a huge amount of manure has been gathered and used, with some still in hand and the pond is settling down. The bath has been turned into a raised bed and a truck load of woodchip (courtesy of has been bagged and started to be used where needed. All the garden furniture has been refurbished and we have a new toilet area adjacent to the shed as well as a huge bug hotel!

Big thanks to Alan Cory, Dom Rhoden, Tracey McLaren, Nicky Smith, David Stanton and Jo Bayly – none of it would have happened without an awful lot of your time and effort, not always in the best of conditions either – you are all such stars! And much gratitude to the National Lottery Community Fund for helping us get off to a flying start.
