Seed Swap In A Box!

Posted on 08 April 2021

It was such a shame that we were unable to hold our Seed Swap & Spring Fair this year as we always greatly look forward to it and to seeing you all.

In order to ensure that the seeds we have all collected over the last couple of years are not left unused, we shall be making up seed packets and making them available for you to rummage through and choose a selection, in return for a small donation!

We have a variety of both vegetable (salad leaves, heritage beans, brassicas, tomatoes etc) and flower (perennials, annuals, wildflowers etc) seeds available and these will be placed in a box by the doorstep at the left of Henry House, 189 Heene Road, Worthing, BN11 4NN.

Many thanks to Karen Simporis who has kindly offered her doorstep as a collection point!

The seed box shall be there from Friday 2nd April until the end of the month, unless we run out sooner of course. I shall be regularly topping up when needed.

If making a donation please can you place this in an envelope marked “seeds” and put it through Karen’s door (please don’t leave it in the seed box). If you are not sure how much to donate, we would suggest 50p-£1 per packet, but please feel free to give what you wish! It will all help to boost TTW’s ever depleting funds for our general running costs, which our annual Seed Swap event normally helps to cover every year. Alternatively, you may wish to donate via our website here: