Eco Open Houses Video Tours

Posted on 22 June 2021

After the initial huge disappointment with having to cancel last year’s Eco Open Houses event and then a year of wondering how on earth we could still present the event in some form, we’ve made a start on Plan B!

We will gradually be putting videos of some of the venues that would have been open to the public up on our YouTube channel EOH playlist and hopefully one or two new ones that have emerged since, so do look out for them. We hope you will find them inspiring and that they might encourage you to give some things a go that can fairly easily be implemented or incorporated into your lives (if you aren’t doing them already!).

If, having looked at the video, you’d like to take a look at the case study for that property or the event brochure, you can visit the EOH section on our website for more details and links:

In the light of the Government’s roadmap not quite going according to plan, we also hope that the next step will be to create some bookable Zoom events so watch this space for news of that.