Transition Greenspaces – June Update

Posted on 27 June 2021

The Triangle, Tarring

We’ve had a really good crop of strawberries and everything else is growing like crazy, including the hedge, grass and weeds – all of which needs a lot of taking care of so if anyone wants to come and help, do email us. Big thanks to Dom and Alan for all your hard work in keeping things going.

We have some new logs to sit on when people just need to take a breather, courtesy of Brooklands massive log pile. Alan and Pauline went to collect a load of scrap wood and logs recently that we will make very good use of at The Triangle and at May Close.

May Close Community Allotment, Maybridge

Thanks to the recent heavy rain, just needing to water the polytunnel has been really helpful. Big thanks to those who have braved the rain in order to keep things going – we could not do any of this without our dedicated volunteers so a shout out to Tracey, Kayley, Jo, Nicky, Sarah, David and Alan.

Welcome to our new volunteer Roberta, who has quickly settled into the group. It’s been incredibly helpful having another pair of hands as not everyone can come every week so, again, if anyone wants to come and help, do email us as there’s always masses of weeding to do at this time of year! It’s a lovely tranquil spot and the plus side is that you hopefully go home with some fruit or veg that has been grown organically.

The foxes have created a new game – it’s called “drink the beer from the slug traps” – we’ve not seen them staggering about afterwards but hopefully it’s not enough to make them drunk! We didn’t realise they were partial to beer but maybe it’s more about the dead slugs in it – apologies to those who are vegan but things were getting out of hand – all our new plants were being demolished instantly!

We have a huge number of tadpoles and the resident frogs usually pop up out of the pond to say hello when we are there, it’s so lovely for us all to receive a little welcome every time.

May Close July
triangle july web