TTW Community Event Exploring Air Pollution

Posted on 31 March 2023

This event will be held at CREW 8/9 South St Worthing BN11 3AL
Tues 9th May at 2pm Admission free

Air pollution is damaging our environment and our health. Between 28,000 and 36,000 early deaths are attributable to air pollution each year in the UK. Road transport is responsible for 80% of roadside NO2 pollution where legal limits are being broken. Urgent and increased action by governments is necessary to reduce air pollution to safer levels. In the transport sector, governments must be set ambitious modal shift targets underpinned by significant leadership and investment. Governments must do more to help people leave their cars at home for everyday journeys and make more sustainable trips (by foot, cycle or on public transport).

For more details and to reserve your space, visit:

air poll event