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Dec 2 2023

Winter Solstice Event – 21st Dec

Thursday 21st December - 5.30 - 9pm - ceremony 6.30pm Venue: on the beach in front of Coast Café and inside. All invited to this free collaborative event - please bring something to put on the fire - small sticks, flowers, herbs, a drawing, something written - that you can blow your prayers/blessings into for yourselves, your community and the planet.

Dec 1 2023

TTW Receives a Magic Little Grant!

We are extremely grateful to players of The People's Postcode Lottery as we received notification this month that we've been awarded a Magic Little Grant through the partnership between Localgiving and Postcode Society Trust!

Oct 4 2023

Mapping Project and Climate Conference

Finally, we have the pleasure of co-presenting the Community Climate Conference at The Assembly Hall on Thursday 19th October from 3-7pm.

Oct 3 2023

Plastic Free Worthing Beach Clean – 29th Oct

The next Plastic Free Worthing beach clean will be Sunday 29th October from 9am onwards, meeting outside the Coastal office by the lido.

Oct 1 2023

Transition Network Skillshare Event on Mapping

TTW were invited to present our Map at an online skillshare on mapping on 13th September.

Sep 5 2023

Plastic Free Worthing Beach Clean – 24th Sept

Plastic Free Worthing have reformed with a new team. The next beach clean will take place on the last Sunday of the month (i.e. 24th Sept).