TTW Repair Café – Book Now For November!

Book your slot now for our final Repair Café session of the year on Saturday 27th November 10am -1pm & 1.45 -4pm.

Electrical, computer and household repairs are always very popular but this month we are specifically focussing on sharing the skills of our amazing sewing team. They can show you how to use a sewing machine or overlocker, how to knit (very useful skill to have with Winter fast approaching!) or crochet, they can repair soft toys, add zips, mend tears, holes and rips and restyle or upcycle your clothes. Their talents are endless!

Any questions, or if you would like to join our team of repairers, please do email us at: [email protected]

Book online here:


Refills @ The Repair Café

Please remember that we have a load of refills available each month at the Repair Café. Come along at any time between 10am and 3.30pm this Saturday (30th Oct) or Saturday 27th November, with your empty bottles and fill them up in exchange for suggested donations (noted next to the products) – to help with TTW’s running costs. You will find them in the kitchen at Quaker Meeting House, 34 Mill Road, Worthing, BN11 5DR.

We have white vinegar (great for cleaning stuff) and all purpose cleaning fluid (both 50p litre). Then (all 40p for 100ml) – shampoo, conditioner; for the face – cream and wash; for the hands – lotion and wash, and also we have 2 types of body wash.
Full list here

Refills kindly donated to us by Jean Raleigh

Worthing’s Sustainability Market

Worthing’s first of its kind, Sustainability Market will be held on Sunday 10th October, 9.30-2pm at the Freedom Works car park – opposite the Assembly Halls, Stoke Abbott Road, Worthing, BN11 1HJ

Let’s make a difference – no waste, no plastic, a great opportunity to start changing the way we shop. The Velo Coffee Bus which will be there to provide refreshments, is electric and uses fully compostable cups or bring your own (even better!). Come and enjoy buying from small scale local producers and artisan makers, and chatting to TTW.


2040 Film Night At Worthing Dome

Join TTW or Transition Town Shoreham to see the inspirational documentary film ‘2040’ at the Dome Cinema in Worthing.

There are two screenings of the film:

Monday 13th September at 8.30pm. This is a *’private’ viewing tickets can only be reserved by emailing [email protected]
*everyone welcome! 41 tickets maximum so reserved on first come basis
Price: suggested donation £5

Monday 20th September at 6pm. Public viewing with TTW. Tickets can be purchased via the Worthing Dome website

2040 – Directed by Damon Gameau
93mins | rated (PG)
2040 is an innovative feature documentary that looks to the future, but is vitally important NOW. Award-winning director Damon Gameau embarks on journey to explore what the future would look like by the year 2040 if we simply embraced the best solutions already available to us to improve our planet and shifted them into the mainstream. Structured as a visual letter to his 4-year-old daughter, Damon blends traditional documentary footage with dramatized sequences and high-end visual effects to create a vision board for his daughter and the planet.

Site Tour of Ford Recycling Plant

Join us for a FREE site visit to Ford Recycling Plant on Monday 11th October 10am – 12pm. A great chance to see what happens to the waste that ends up in your bin!

West Sussex have some of the most state-of-the-art waste & recycling plants and processes in the whole of the UK. This website offers information on what happens to residents’ recycling and we are sure you will find a visit to the site at Ford really interesting.

This site visit was due to take place in April of last year for our big Eco Open Houses event, which had to be postponed due to the first lockdown, so we are especially thrilled to be able to finally present this event.

For more details and to book your FREE ticket, please do visit our Eventbrite listing:


Rampion Talk With Greening Steyning

Greening Steyning and the South East Climate Alliance (SECA) have organised an online event to give everyone the chance to hear the latest about plans to quadruple the output of the Rampion wind farm.

Join them via Zoom at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7th September for a talk by Chris Tomlinson, Development & Stakeholder Manager for Rampion 2. Chris will be outlining the latest plans for the new phase of the Rampion project and taking questions from the audience.

For more info and to book your ticket, please go to:

A public consultation on the new Rampion 2 plans has also just started and you can learn all about it here:

Plastic Free Worthing September Events

Plastic Free Worthing return with their monthly Beach Clean on Sunday 12th September. All welcome! Please meet by the pier pavilion (look out for their banner!) anytime between 10am – 12pm.

If you have your own equipment, please do bring with you (gloves/bags/pickers) but PFW will have some available too. For more info, see their Facebook event page:

Plastic Free Worthing are also proud to be able to present their very first Zero Waste Fair in Worthing on Sunday 26th September!
Join them for an event which showcases passionate local, sustainable and (single-use) plastic free businesses, making a difference to the environment here in Worthing and reject fast fashion by making he most of second hand in their Clothes Swap Shop! The fair will be held at the Worthing Boys Club, 11am – 4pm.

More details to come but keep up to date via the event page here:

Green Dreams Festival 2021

The GreenDreams community food and greenspace festival is an annual event in the calendar for Worthing and Adur, returning for its 5th year in 2021.

Join us on Saturday 19th September, 10.30am – 4pm at Field Place, Worthing.

Offering something different, this event is designed and led by community based groups and organisations, including TTW, and brings together a wide variety of local community and social enterprise groups involved in small scale local food projects and greenspace initiatives from both Adur and Worthing.

From stalls offering heaps of locally grown food and produce for you to try and buy, to lots of fun and exciting workshops and activities for all the family and so much more, there’s something for everyone and entry is free. This is a brilliant opportunity to find out what’s going on in your local community and how you could get involved with lots of different local groups. We hope to see you there…

Meet The Wild Bees With Breathing Spaces

Breathing Spaces is delighted to be celebrating National Bee Day on 21st August with the Bees and Seas team! Bees and Seas, a fab local project created by We are Food Pioneers, Friends of Brooklands, and Creative Waves, is hosting a series of FREE family fun activities, shows, talks and stalls at Brooklands Park from Friday 20th August through to Sunday 22nd August and we are leading a walk to Meet the Wild Bees.

Breathing Spaces and Sompting Estate host one of the Bees and Seas log hives at Dankton Lane Barnyard, Sompting, and our walk will be from Brooklands Park to the barnyard on Sat 21st August, leaving promptly at 1pm from near the Cycall project container at the north end of Brooklands Park and returning to the park by 4pm.

The theme of the weekend is building back better for bees: focusing on actions for restoring, supporting and enhancing the role of these pollinators. A colony of wild bees has already moved into the hive high up in a sycamore tree at the barnyard of its own accord. Come and see how the excellent design and siting of the hive (built by Bee Kind Hives) and the abundance of forage plants for bees and other pollinators should help the colony to thrive without intervention from us.

The walk is about 40 minutes each way, up through Sompting to the barnyard on Dankton Lane and returning via Sustainable Sussex at Test Road. Some of the walk is uphill and on uneven ground and the barnyard has minimal facilities – a camping loo, no running water (hand-sanitiser available), makeshift plank/log seats only, little weather cover. We will walk whatever the weather so walkers should dress appropriately. Please bring your own drinks and snacks.

Book your place by emailing [email protected] – numbers will be limited.

Celebrate National Bee Day with Bees & Seas

The Bees and Seas team are celebrating ‘National Bee day’ with a series of family fun events this summer. Please do come along and take part.

Bees and Seas is a local project born from a common passion to connect communities with nature, across the land and sea. Three community enterprises: We Are FoodPioneers CIC, Friends of Brooklands Park and Creative Waves CIC, have come together to create a community beekeeping project and educational training space in Brooklands Park.

The mission is to help engage the local community with conservation and pollinators through a series of collaborative activities, workshops and volunteering opportunities. Local volunteers have been working hard to transform this industrial site into a natural asset and the Worthing Honey Collective have been busy preparing our Honey Bees for onward delivery to their new home at the Brooklands Apiary.

None of this would have been possible without the vital funding, grants, sponsorships and donations received! We are very grateful to the South Downs National Park Trust, Postcode Local Trust, the Sussex Transport team, Rampion Fund Sussex Community Foundation, Worthing Community Chest and Worthing and Sompting Lions for their incredibly generous donations.

Come and celebrate National Bee Day on 21st August. The theme this year is building back better for bees: focusing on actions for restoring, supporting and enhancing the role of these pollinators. Bees and Seas are hosting a series of FREE family fun activities, shows, talks and stalls at Brooklands Park from Friday 20th August through to Sunday 22nd August.

TTW will have a stall at the event on the Saturday 21st Aug, so do come and say hello or even help man the stall if you’d like to!

Full programme of events available here: