Middle Yard Market At Titch Hill – Sat 13th July

Saturday 13th July, 12pm – 5pm

Our friends at Titch Hill are running the Middle Yard Market where you can enjoy local traders, fresh produce, artisanal baked goods, specialty coffee, delicious wood-fired food, crafts, live music, vinyl records, and last but not least, a bar and bottle shop stocked with Titch Hill wines and local beers. Buy wines to take away or soak up the atmosphere in Middle Yard Barn.

Middle Yard Market is open on the second Saturday of the month from July to September!

Find out more here: https://www.titchhill.com/middle-yard-market

TTW Repair Café – Book now for June

Book now for our next Repair Café session on Saturday 29th June– 10am-4pm at the Quaker Meeting House, 34 Mill Road, Worthing, BN11 5DR.

As usual our amazing team of volunteers will be on hand to share their skills and help you to repair your clothes, toys, bicycles, laptops, computers, small household electrical/electronic items, small items of furniture, costume jewellery and restringing necklaces and knife/scissor sharpening.

Refreshments of hot and cold drinks and cakes will be available at a small cost.

Please book via the online booking form here:


Any questions, please do email us at:
[email protected]

Cortis Avenue Wildlife Garden Open Day 2024

Join us at the Cortis Avenue Wildlife Garden Open Day on Saturday 29th June, 1 pm to 4pm.

The Day is chance for people to visit, meet our volunteers, and enjoy the garden. An opportunity to find out about the Life of a Beehive, Plants for Pollinators, visit Hedgehog Corner, look for Pond Life, and do some Butterfly Spotting and Bug Hunting. Free Entry. Children of all ages are welcome accompanied by an adult.


Our friends at CREW have been invited to moderate a Q&A session following the screening of an incredible film ‘Wilding’ at the Worthing Dome, Sun 16th June, 5.30pm – 7.40pm

Based on Isabella Tree’s best-selling book by the same title, WILDING tells the incredible story of a young couple that bets on nature for the future of their failing, four-hundred-year-old estate. The young couple battles entrenched tradition, and dares to place the fate of their farm in the hands of nature. Ripping down the fences, they set the land back to the wild and entrust its recovery to a motley mix of animals both tame and wild. It is the beginning of a grand experiment that will become one of the most significant rewilding experiments in Europe.

Join CREW for an exclusive live Q&A session with Isabella Tree!
Get your tickets from the Worthing Dome ticket office now – https://domecinema.co.uk/DomeCinema.dll/WhatsOn?f=33079099

TTW Repair Café – Book now for April

Book now for our next Repair Café session on Saturday 27th April– 10am-4pm at the Quaker Meeting House, 34 Mill Road, Worthing, BN11 5DR.

As usual our amazing team of volunteers will be on hand to share their skills and help you to repair your clothes, toys, bicycles, laptops, computers, small household electrical/electronic items, small items of furniture, costume jewellery and restringing necklaces and knife/scissor sharpening.

Refreshments of hot and cold drinks and cakes will be available at a small cost.

Please book via the online booking form here:


Any questions, please do email us at:
[email protected]

Breathing Spaces Rain Garden Event – 20th April

What difference can one household make to reducing flood risk?
Find out what a rain garden is, how they reduce surface water run-off to the drains during heavy rainfall, and learn how to make one for the smallest of spaces, cheaply and simply.

Breathing Spaces will talk you through, step-by-step with photos and a video, how to divert your downpipe to a water butt and then to a storm water planter and/or other water-retaining features.

Learn the ratio of the planter box to the size of roof, what soil mix to use, which plants are appropriate and beautiful. There are many different ways of designing a rain garden that suits your home. And even if you need to park a car in it, you can still have drainage that doesn’t add to surface water run-off to our overloaded drains.

Rain Gardens: Reducing Flood Risk One House at a Time
Sat, 20 Apr 2024 14:00 – 15:30
CREW Centre, 8/9 South Street Worthing BN11 3AL

For more info see:

TTW Repair Café – Book now for March

Book now for our next Repair Café session on Saturday 30th March– 10am-4pm at the Quaker Meeting House, 34 Mill Road, Worthing, BN11 5DR.

As usual our amazing team of volunteers will be on hand to share their skills and help you to repair your clothes, toys, bicycles, laptops, computers, small household electrical/electronic items, small items of furniture, costume jewellery and restringing necklaces and knife/scissor sharpening.

Refreshments of hot and cold drinks and cakes will be available at a small cost.

Please book via the online booking form here:


Any questions, please do email us at:
[email protected]

Goring Gap under threat – again!

Persimmon own most of the land that forms our green lungs between Goring and Ferring and they would dearly love to build on all that land. They have appealed against our Council’s decision to leave the Chatsmore Farm area as open space and the Inquiry starts on 6th Feb: https://www.adur-worthing.gov.uk/news/pr23-153.html if anyone wishes to attend.

We have just heard that a local developer who has bought a parcel of land adjacent to the Persimmon land in Goring Gap (south of the land that is already under threat and right next to the coast) has applied for a licence to sell alcohol on that land, building a new bar there (which he has not yet applied for permission to construct), as a pre-cursor to building houses on it. Is this a Trojan horse situation to set a precedent for developing that land?

If you wish to comment on the licence application you can do so here (by 28th Feb)

Any objections have to be quite specific, i.e. that to grant a licence would undermine:
– Crime & Disorder
– Public Safety
– Prevention of Public Nuisance
– Protection of Children from Harm

There is a lot of background information on this issue but it appears that this is the first step towards covering our green lungs in concrete and building on a flood plain, if no-one objects to this. We will keep you updated as things progress. If you want to help, you might like to attend the community protest that has been organised for this Saturday 3rd Feb on the Chatsmore Farm site at the junction of The Strand/Goring Street. Please gather at 11:50am, for a photo at 12 noon. Google Maps – https://w3w.co/best.deed.humid

Seed Swap & Workshop – Sat 17th Feb

We will be running a scaled down version of our annual Seed Swap event but at least this year we will be in the warm!

If you have any plants or seeds that you can donate for Seed Swap but will be unable to be there yourself, please contact Pauline at [email protected] to arrange collection a week or two before 17th Feb. We will also need home-made cakes and savouries for refreshments, so if you can help please contact Pauline to arrange handover.

Pauline, Claire and Lisa (from Breathing Spaces) will be running a fun and interactive workshop after Seed Swap where we will imagine:
What it would be like if Worthing was able to feed itself in the near future?
We will step through a portal into a future Worthing where lots of things are done differently. You will hear a short story to help you imagine how we feed ourselves in this future – where our food is grown, who’s growing or harvesting it, how it is being sold or shared, how it is sustainable.

In pairs or small groups we will use drawings, magazine photos and maps to make pictures of a local, healthy, resilient food system for Worthing. It will be a playful way to create together the beginnings of a positive vision in which things turn out to be better than they are now.

If you’d like to attend, please book your place here asap: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/what-if-worthing-could-feed-itself-tickets-790051775127 Details under event listing.

Winter Solstice Event – 21st Dec

Thursday 21st December – 5.30 – 9pm – ceremony 6.30pm Venue: on the beach in front of Coast Café and inside.
All invited to this free collaborative event – please bring something to put on the fire – small sticks, flowers, herbs, a drawing, something written – that you can blow your prayers/blessings into for yourselves, your community and the planet.

We will provide the fire pit and some wood (please bring more).
Local celebrant Amanda Waring will lead the ceremony at 6.30pm and then do a sound healing session in the café. She will then be joined by local musicians for some musical surprises!

You are welcome to arrive any time from 5.30pm to purchase hot soup and a roll as well, as drinks and light snacks from Coast Café. Maybe stay on after the ceremony to warm up with a hot drink…. Please support Coast Café as they are staying open specially for this event.

This event will go ahead whatever the weather, so wrap up well to keep cosy and dry. The ceremony will move from the beach to inside Coast if it’s too wet out there!

For more about the co-hosts please go to: